
The growth of efficiency and skill of athletes is largely determined by training loads that cause functional changes in the body. Therefore, training loads are one of the main parameters of managing the process of formation of sportsmanship. It is established that each type of decathlon separately requires a wide range of tools and methods for its improvement, which complicates the management of the training process. According to our data, qualified all-rounders use in their training from 300 to 400 different exercises. It is proved that the peculiarity of the competitive activity of decathlon athletes is the need to tune in to each type every time, to switch from one type to another, as well as to break the "mood" of the pause between individual types.
 In addition, the species themselves differ from each other. One type requires the athlete to show speed and strength qualities, another type requires the athlete to show endurance, the third - a tendency to work of a complex technical nature. As a result, each athlete develops leading, lagging, and "neutral" types. At the current level of development of sports, the results in each type of all-around are so high that it is difficult to assume a sharp jump in the results of a particular athlete of the same class. Therefore, success in competitions depends on how well the athlete will be able to realize their potential and pass, each type of all- around at the level of their personal records.


  • (2001), "Biochemistry of muscle activity and physical training" : Olympic Literature, 487 p.

  • (1995), "Physical training of an athlete" : Olympic Literature, 356 p.

  • Кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри ТМФВ Український гуманітарний інститут, м.

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(2001), "Biochemistry of muscle activity and physical training" : Olympic Literature, 487 p. (1995), "Physical training of an athlete" : Olympic Literature, 356 p. Кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри ТМФВ Український гуманітарний інститут, м. Особливістю змагальної діяльності легкоатлетів десятиборців є необхідність щоразу (10 разів за два дні) налаштуватися на кожен вид, переключатися з одного виду на інший, а також збивають «настрій» паузи між окремими видами.

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