
Abstract The publication presents a design solution for circular multi-pipe thermal insulation and an example of an existing heating installation consisting of six individual heating pipes in the building of the Bialystok University of Technology. In the paper, the arrangement of six heating system pipes in circular thermal insulation was designed in such a way that one heating pipe is centrally located in the circular thermal insulation, the other five heating pipes are located at the vertices of a regular pentagon inside the circular thermal insulation. Heat loss calculations were made using the Boundary Elements Method (BEM) with the actual boundary conditions in the room where the existing heating installation is located. Additionally, the ecological effect was determined in the form of reduction of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere resulting from heat losses for the developed multi-pipe thermal insulation. The calculation results showed a significant reduction in heat losses as a result of the use of multi-pipe thermal insulation in relation to the existing single heating installation. The use of multi-pipe insulation undoubtedly follows the trend of energy-saving heat transport and is an alternative to the commonly used single pipes.

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