A local contact formation process and integration scheme have been developed for the fabrication of rear passivated point contact solar cells. Conversion efficiency of 19.6% was achieved using <svg style="vertical-align:-0.1638pt;width:66.612503px;" id="M1" height="11.225" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 66.612503 11.225" width="66.612503" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,.062,10.963)"><path id="x31" d="M384 0h-275v27q67 5 81.5 18.5t14.5 68.5v385q0 38 -7.5 47.5t-40.5 10.5l-48 2v24q85 15 178 52v-521q0 -55 14.5 -68.5t82.5 -18.5v-27z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,8.222,10.963)"><path id="x35" d="M153 550l-26 -186q79 31 111 31q90 0 141.5 -51t51.5 -119q0 -93 -89 -166q-85 -69 -173 -71q-32 0 -61.5 11.5t-41.5 23.5q-18 17 -17 34q2 16 22 33q14 9 26 -1q61 -50 124 -50q60 0 93 43.5t33 104.5q0 69 -41.5 110t-121.5 41q-53 0 -102 -20l38 305h286l6 -8
l-26 -65h-233z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,16.381,10.963)"><path id="x36" d="M137 343l67 33q37 17 63 17q79 0 129.5 -53t50.5 -131q0 -92 -58 -156.5t-147 -64.5t-147 68t-58 182q0 63 17 119t43 95.5t61.5 72t69 52t67.5 31.5q62 22 128 33l6 -32q-56 -11 -108 -35q-149 -71 -184 -231zM227 337q-47 0 -95 -27q-6 -23 -6 -70q0 -93 36 -155.5
t96 -62.5q53 0 78 45.5t25 105.5q0 68 -35 116t-99 48z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,28.314,10.963)"><path id="xD7" d="M528 54l-36 -38l-198 201l-198 -201l-36 38l197 200l-197 201l36 38l198 -202l198 202l36 -38l-197 -201z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,42.066,10.963)"><use xlink:href="#x31"/></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,50.226,10.963)"><use xlink:href="#x35"/></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,58.385,10.963)"><use xlink:href="#x36"/></g> </svg> mm, pseudo square, p-type single crystalline silicon wafers. This is a significant improvement when compared to unpassivated, full area aluminum back surface field solar cells, which exhibit only 18.9% conversion efficiency on the same wafer type. The effect of rear contact formation on cell efficiency was studied as a function of contact area and contact pitch, hence the metallization fraction. Contact shape and the thickness of Al-BSF layer were found to be heavily dependent on the laser ablation pattern and contact area. Simulated cell parameters as a function of metallization showed that there is a tradeoff between open circuit voltage and fill factor gains as the metallization fraction varies. The rear surface was passivated with an Al<sub >2</sub>O<sub >3</sub> layer and a <svg style="vertical-align:-3.27605pt;width:35.3125px;" id="M2" height="15.5125" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 35.3125 15.5125" width="35.3125" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,.062,11.363)"><path id="x53" d="M409 504l-29 -5q-16 60 -44.5 96t-86.5 36q-54 0 -82.5 -32t-28.5 -77q0 -51 30.5 -82.5t96.5 -65.5l35.5 -18t33 -19.5t33.5 -23.5l27 -25.5t24.5 -32t13.5 -36.5t6 -45q0 -80 -62 -134.5t-160 -54.5q-47 0 -98 15q-22 7 -50 21q-8 23 -27 155l30 7q7 -27 18 -52
t30 -51.5t49 -42.5t67 -16q56 0 88 32.5t32 87.5q0 51 -31.5 82t-98.5 67q-80 44 -110 73q-55 53 -55 124q0 75 56 126.5t150 51.5q53 0 126 -23z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,8.018,11.363)"><path id="x69" d="M135 536q-20 0 -35 15.5t-15 35.5q0 22 15 37t36 15t35.5 -15t14.5 -37q0 -21 -15 -36t-36 -15zM252 0h-220v26q48 5 59 17t11 63v206q0 47 -9 58t-54 18v24q78 12 142 39v-345q0 -51 11.5 -63t59.5 -17v-26z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,12.574,11.363)"><path id="x4E" d="M719 650v-28q-43 -2 -62 -15t-22 -44q-6 -47 -6 -169v-403h-31l-426 524h-2v-251q0 -111 6 -169q4 -37 24 -50.5t72 -16.5v-28h-237v28q45 2 64.5 16t23.5 49q6 62 6 171v220q0 54 -3 68.5t-17 32.5q-16 19 -34.5 26.5t-54.5 10.5v28h147l418 -502h3v246q0 117 -7 166
q-4 34 -24.5 47t-73.5 15v28h236z" /></g> <g transform="matrix(.012,-0,0,-.012,25.2,15.45)"><path id="x1D44B" d="M775 650l-6 -28q-60 -6 -81.5 -16t-61.5 -54l-175 -191l125 -243q30 -58 48.5 -71t82.5 -19l-5 -28h-275l7 28l35 4q31 4 37 12t-6 34l-108 216q-140 -165 -177 -219q-16 -22 -10.5 -30.5t41.5 -13.5l22 -3l-7 -28h-244l8 28q52 4 75 15.5t67 52.5q48 46 206 231
l-110 215q-26 51 -44 63t-72 17l6 28h250l-6 -28l-27 -4q-30 -5 -35 -10t3 -27q17 -43 95 -190q70 78 154 185q15 21 10 29.5t-33 12.5l-30 4l5 28h236z" /></g> </svg> capping layer. The rear surface contact pattern was created by laser ablation and the contact geometry was optimized to obtain voids free contact filling, resulting in a uniform back surface field. The efficiency gain in rear passivated cells over the reference cells is mainly due to improved short circuit current and open circuit voltage.
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