As practice shows, most of the methods to obtain powder materials have several disadvantages: high power consumption, environmental problems (waste water, emissions), high cost of technological equipment. Currently, one of the most promising methods for producing powder materials from the conductive waste is the method of electroerosion dispersion (EED). EED method has a relatively low energy consumption and environmental cleanliness of the process. The development of technology of making powder materials from ball bearing steel waste, and assessment of their use effectiveness requires comprehensive theoretical and experimental studies. The iImplementation of the planned measures will allow us to solve the problems of obtaining powder materials including iron based nanopowder, elimination of ball bearing steel waste and their further use and, thereby, reduce the production cost of the final product. The aim of the present paper is to optimize the granulometric composition of powders made by electroerosion dispersion of waste-bearing steel waste. Our study has experimentally determined inversely proportional relationship between average particle size of powder material and the capacity of energy discharge capacitors and the voltage on the electrodes in the reactor. It has also stated inversely proportional dependence of the average particle size of powder material on pulse repetition frequency of EED installation in the range up to 90 Hz. Further increase of energy discharge capacitors capacity leads to an increase in the average particle size of powder material. By making factorial experiment there have been determined the optimal settings for the process of powder materials production by the method of electricerosion dispersing in distilled water: the capacity of energy discharge capacitors is 58 ufd, voltage on the electrodes is 140 W, pulse repetition frequency is 140 Hz.
Шарикоподшипниковые стали нашли широкое применение в машиностроении
By making factorial experiment there have been determined the optimal settings for the process of powder materials production by the method of electricerosion dispersing in distilled water: the capacity of energy discharge capacitors is 58 ufd, voltage on the electrodes is 140 W, pulse repetition frequency is 140 Hz
Ageev E.V., Ageeva E.V., Latypov R.A. Investigation into the properties of electroerosive powders and hard alloy fabricated from them by isostatic pressing and sintering
Средняя квадратичная ошибка в определении коэффициентов регрессии: S{bi} = (Sy / N)1/2. Все коэффициенты регрессии по абсолютной величине больше доверительного интервала, поэтому их можно признать статически значимыми. Получили модель в виде полинома первой степени: Y =6,68 + 20,04·Х1 + 40,08·Х2 + +80,16·Х3+ 133,86·Х1 Х2+803,20·Х2 Х3+1606,40·Х1 Х3. Параметр оптимизации возрастает с увеличением значений факторов Х1, Х2 и Х3. Проверку адекватности модели производили по F-критерию Фишера. Для вычисления дисперсии адекватности составили вспомогательную таблицу 4. Боды f=2: Вспомогательная таблица для расчета Sад[2] yj ŷj yj – ŷj Таблица 4 (yj – ŷj)[2]
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