
The optimization of resolution in size-exclusion chromatography and, hence the accuracy of molecular-weight distribution measurements can be achieved either by increasing the pore volume in the column or by increasing the column efficiency. The first way is limited by nature, because a high pore volume is associated with limited pressure stability. Consequently, improvement must be achieved by increasing the column efficiency by reducing the particle diameter. Small particle diameters of ca. 3 μm are advantageous, because it is then possible to work at the minimum of the h vs. u curve at usual liquid chromatographic velocities of ca. 3 mm/sec, thus achieving a high speed of analysis. The problems usually associated with the use of particles of such a diameter are negligible in the size-exclusion mode. Because sample size is not usually a problem, larger column diameters can be used. Therefore, good standard instrumentation is sufficient for highly efficient size-exclusion chromatography with small particles.

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