
This paper showed how real-time data that obtained during drilling operation can be used for optimizing drilling parameter such as weight on bit (WOB), and rotary speed (RPM) in term of drilling cost per foot. The real-time data that obtained from mud logging unit included the rate of penetration (ROP), WOB, RPM, depth …. etc.In this work, the real-time data obtained from Buzurgan oil well (BU-50) were used for drilling optimization. Rock strength for each drilling foot of section obtained from a sonic log, using SPSS (Statistics) software to calculate it correction factors a,b, and c for Mishrif formation and apply nonlinear regression method after that make drill behind for validation purpose. Finally, the optimal drilling parameters were estimated with the cost model.Based on the results obtained, a good agreement achieved between results of rate of penetration that obtained from drilling model and actual penetration rate along the drilling section. Also, cost analysis shows that the optimal weight on bit and rotary speed for drilling that section are 18 klb and 116 rpm respectively which achieves a minimum cost per foot.

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