TRR-1/M1 reactor core consists of two types of standard TRIGA fuel, 8.5% and 20% weight uranium. Periodically, the reactor core configuration is rearranged in order to optimize its performance. The objective of this work is to show that it is safe to operate TRR-1/M1 at 1 MW steady state condition for the new core configurations of which the 8.5% weight fuels in the B ring are replaced by high burn up 20% weight fuel elements. To ensure sufficient safety margins of the reactor operation, thermal–hydraulic computer codes, i.e., COOLOD-N2 and EUREKA-2/RR, were coupled with neutronic calculation based on Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport concept in order to analyse some crucial operating parameters, e.g., coolant and fuel temperature in the reactor core as well as Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) along the fuel axial direction of the hottest channel. From this study, it can be concluded that no significant effect on the reactor operation was found when replacing the 8.5% weight fuel elements in the B ring with the high burnup 20% weight fuels. Transient phenomena of Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) were also performed for the rapid removal of a sample from the reactor core with reactivity insertion rate of $1.00/s. It is found that the negative temperature coefficient of TRIGA fuel provided safety for the reactor even during the prescribed reactor transients. The calculation showed slightly increase in the fuel temperature during the short period of reactivity insertion which caused insignificant energy release to heat up the fuel during the accident. The maximum fuel temperature found during the accident in this study was well below TRR-1/M1 safety.
Published Version
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