
Supervision is the most important part of the education system, the level of effectiveness of learning is very highly influenced by the quality of educational supervision carried out by supervisors by school principals and educational supervisors. Supervision activities need to provide opportunities for inner independence self-development and professionalism. This study uses an action research model school, referring to the Kemmis and Taggart research model which is designed with a cyclical process namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. This stage continues per individual until problems in applying the three basic teaching skills can be resolved. The results of the analysis of teacher data in applying the three basic skills of teaching are on cycle I 68.3 and cycle II 86.3. From this description, it can be seen that there has been an increase in the average value of teacher skills, namely 86.3 – 68.3 = 17.96. Thus the application of clinical supervision can improve explaining skills, skills in opening and closing lessons, and teacher classroom management skills at SMP Negeri 2 Merauke, South Papua as evidenced by there is an increase in each skill from cycle I to cycle II. For this, it is expected school principals and school supervisors to guide teachers through clinical supervision activities.

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