
Since it is difficult to guarantee the completeness of information in the market competition, it is of great significance to study the operation and optimization of multi-energy hub(EH) systems under incomplete information for the stability and economic operation of the system. However, under the dynamic energy pricing mechanism, each EH restricts each other, and the optimal scheduling of each EH is affected by the seriously coupled energy flow and incomplete information. Therefore this paper analyzes the relationship between EHs under the dynamic energy pricing mechanism, and uses Bayesian game to solve the optimal scheduling problem of multi-EH systems under the condition of incomplete information. According to the incomplete information of CHP operation mode in EHs, each EH is modeled as different types, and then the multi-EHs optimal scheduling model based on Bayesian game is established, and the Bayesian Nash equilibrium is solved. The effectiveness of the model and solution method is verified by the case.

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