
Corrosion of steel underground pipelines significantly reduces the service life, leading them to an emergency condition, in which further operation is impossible. The main methods of protecting such pipelinesare insulating coatings and electrochemical protection.Determination of the optimal operating parameters of the electrochemical protection system allows to increase the service life of protected objects, due to a decrease in the load on working objects. These approaches are mainly aimed at reducing energy consumption by determining their optimal output parameters of electrochemical protection equipment, subject to compliance with the requirements of RD for permissible values of the protective potential. However, optimal control algorithms do not directly take into account the actual technical state of the system and cannot provide information about its reliability.The average life of most existing pipelines is more than 20 years. The actual corrosion protection characteristics of such pipelines are significantly reduced in comparison with the initial. In view of this, there is a need to determine the reliability of the electrochemical protection system. Proposed methods for determining and evaluating the reliability indicators of electrochemical protection systems are aimed at building Markov models of the reliability of the object under study and determining its availability factor.The implementation of optimal control algorithms in conjunction with methods for assessing the reliability of electrochemical protection systems can make it possible to determine the time of trouble-free operation and identify the most “vulnerable” elements of the system.

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