
Modern multi-area power systems are in persistent facing to imbalances in power generation and consumption which directly causes frequency and tie-line power fluctuations in each area. This paper deals with the load frequency control (LFC) problem where the control objective of regulating their error signals despite the presences of several external load disturbances. It proposes an optimal design of proportional integral derivative controller (PID) based on a novel version of Jaya algorithm called self-adaptive multi-population elitist (SAMPE) Jaya optimizer. A filter with derivative term is integrated with PID controller to alleviate the impact of noise in the input signal. A time domain based-objective functions are investigated such as integral time-multiplied absolute value of the error (ITAE) and integral of absolute error (IAE). Both SAMPE-Jaya and Jaya optimizers are employed to optimally tune the PID parameters for interconnected power systems comprising two non-reheat thermal areas. Three test cases are performed with various load disturbances in both areas individually and simultaneaously. Also, the practical physical constraints related to generation rate constraint (GRC) with its nonlinearity characteristics are taken into account. In addition, the obtained results using the designed PID controller based on SAMPE-Jaya are compared with various reported techniques. These simulated comparisons declare the great efficiency and the high superiority of the designed PID controller based on SAMPE-Jaya.

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