
Vortex beams with dierent topological charge usually have dierent proles and radii of peak intensity. This introduces a degree of complexity the fair study of the nature of optical OAM (orbital angular momentum). To avoid this, we introduced a new approach by creating a perfect vortex beam using an annular illuminating beam with a xed intensity prole on an SLM that imposes a chosen topological charge. The radial intensity prole of such an experimentally created perfect vortex beam is independent to any given integer value of its topological charge. The well-dened OAM density in such a perfect vortex beam is probed by trapping microscope particles. The rotation rate of a trapped necklace of particles is measured for both integer and non-integer topological charge. Experimental results agree with the theoretical prediction. With the exibility of our approach, local OAM density can be corrected in situ to overcome the problem of trapping the particle in the intensity hotspots. The correction of local OAM density in the perfect vortex beam therefore enables a single trapped particle to move along the vortex ring at a constant angular velocity that is independent of the azimuthal position. Due to its particular nature, the perfect vortex beam may be applied to other studies in optical trapping of particles, atoms or quantum gases.

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