
TheXandAstates of the sodium trimer may be treated as rigid asymmetric rotors ofC2vsymmetry. TheBstate, however, is a floppy molecule where the three sodium nuclei can perform a pseudorotational motion in the molecular plane. A recently developed model Hamiltonian for theBstate is applied to new rotationally resolved optical–optical double resonance measurements of theB–Xsystem of Na3. These recorded transitions, in theu= 1,j= 0, 1, 2, and 3 bands of that system, are fit to the new Hamiltonian and rotational assignments are made. The double resonance technique utilized one dye laser fixed to a transition in theA–Xsystem while another dye laser was scanned throughout several vibronic bands in theB–Xsystem. In addition to providing a substantially improved signal-to-noise ratio, this method allows for a check of the consistency between previous analyses of both optical systems.

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