
The spectrophotometric measurement of optical interference provides a convenient nondestructive measurement of the oxide film thickness on selected areas of a zirconium specimen, and should be capable of accurate measurement over a wide range of film thickness, if a good calibration of the interference/thickness relation is available. The refractive index and phase difference due to reflection from the interfaces have been determined for anodic oxide films on zirconium in the range of wavelength between 2000 and 2·5 μ. From these values an interference minima/film thickness graph has been calculated, and a modification to the graph has been included to allow for the effects of an absorption at 2290 in films formed by oxidation in steam and oxygen. The interference/thickness graph can be used to measure anodic, and some thermal, films up to 1 μ to an accuracy of ± 1 per cent in relative thickness and of ± 3·5 per cent in absolute thickness. For other thermal films, the use of the interference method may be limited, due to absorption in the oxide and uneven film growth.

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