
Traumatic eyeball damages is a topical issue in present-day ophthalmology as they constitute one of the main causes of vision loss in people of working age. Purpose: to assess the feasibilty, effectiveness and safety of one-time early-stage microinvasive optical reconstructive surgery of a patient with traumatic eyeball damage consequences: a swelling cataract, lens ligamentous apparatus defect, iridodialysis, and traumatic mydriasis. Material and methods. Patient V., 27, was under observation with the following diagnosis: “OS — condition after a contusion damage to the eyeball: traumatic swelling cataract; stage II subluxation of the lens; traumatic mydriasis, iridodialysis of 180 degrees”. OS visual acuity — correct light projection. The patient underwent an ORO of the left eye: phacoaspiration of a swelling cataract with implantation of an intracapsular ring and an intraocular lens in combination with closed iridoplasty. Results. No intraoperative complications took place. In the postoperative period, the best corrected visual acuity was 0.6, IOP remained stable, the lens was centered in the capsular bag, the iris sutures were consistent, the pupil rounded, centered, 4 mm in diameter. The patient felt satisfied with the cosmetic and functional result of surgery. Conclusion. One-time iridoplasty in combination with cataract surgery is an effective and safe method of surgical treatment of traumatically damaged iris and lens.

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