
In this study, plasmonic opto-mechanical tripartite system is proposed to improve the performance of the traditional tripartite opto-mechanical system. In the new design, significantly, optical cavity and microwave cavity modes are directly coupled to each other. The originality of this work consists in embedding a microsphere in the optical cavity where the plasmon-plasmon interaction between the metal plates generates a plasmon mode inside the optical cavity and changes the electric field distribution. The plasmonic property influences the microsphere electrical properties and interacts with the photonic mode inside the optical cavity by which the microwave cavity properties are also affected through coupling to the optical cavity. Microsphere introduces a capacitor as a function of plasmonic properties that can strongly influence the microwave cavity resonance frequency. That is the feature that we want to utilize to enhance the performance of the system at high temperature. The results show that the optical cavity and microwave cavity modes remain entangled at high temperature. It is contributed to the plasmonic-based capacitor induced by the microsphere which is not affected by the thermally induced photons (noise). It is worth mentioning that the induced noise strongly restricts the traditional tripartite system operated with a wide bandwidth.

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