
In this thesis, we study two different physical systems, namely superconducting circuits and optomechanical cavities. In the first part of the thesis, we study superconducting qubits and resonators and their potential to implement quantum information processing tasks. We propose a circuit quantum electrodynamics realization of a protocol to generate a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state for transmon qubits homogeneously coupled to a microwave cavity in the dispersive limit. We derive an effective Hamiltonian with pairwise qubit exchange interactions of the XY type that can be globally controlled. Starting from a separable initial state, these interactions allow to generate a multi-qubit GHZ state within a time that does not depend on the number of qubits. We discuss how to probe the non-local nature and the genuine multipartite entanglement of the generated state. Finally, we investigate the stability of the proposed scheme to inhomogeneities in the physical parameters and the weak anharmonicity of transmon qubits. In the second part of the thesis, we study optomechanical systems in which the position of a mechanical resonator modulates the resonance frequency of an optical cavity. The resulting radiation-pressure interaction is intrinsically nonlinear and can be used to implement strong Kerr nonlinearities and an effective interaction between photons. We investigate the optical bistability of such a system. The steady-state mean-field equation of the optical mode is identical to the one for a Kerr medium, and thus we expect it to have the same characteristic behavior with a lower, a middle, and an upper branch. However, the presence of position fluctuations of the mechanical resonator leads to a new feature: the upper branch will become unstable at sufficiently strong driving in certain parameter regimes. We identify the appropriate parameter regime for the upper branch to be stable, and we confirm, by numerical investigation of the quantum steady state, that the mechanical mode indeed acts as a Kerr nonlinearity for the optical mode in the low-temperature limit. This equivalence of the optomechanical system and the Kerr medium will be important for future applications of cavity optomechanics in quantum nonlinear optics and quantum information science.

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