
High pressure-temperature conditions can be readily achieved through the laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LH-DAC). A stable laser source is required for reliable in situ measurements of the sample, as the sample is small with a thermal time constant of the order of microseconds. Here, we show that the power instabilities typical of CO2 gas lasers used in LH-DAC's are ±5% at the second timescale and ∼±50% at the microsecond timescale. We also demonstrate that the pointing instability of the laser requires either a diffuser or an integrating sphere for reliable total power measurements with small sized detectors. We present a simple solution for stabilizing the power of a CO2 gas laser on the second timescale by the direct modulation of the current across the tube and another solution that stabilizes the power to the microsecond timescale by externally modulating the CO2 laser beam. Both solutions can achieve a ±0.3% power stability.

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