
Object: To determine the directions for the development of PPP tools in the field of financing innovative projects aimed at improving the manufacturability of MMC enterprises.Methods: Statistical data processing, system, logical, analogies and modeling methods.Results: It is possible to summarize a number of problematic issues in the development of public-private partnership (PPPs): insufficient growth rates in the dynamics of the number of PPP projects, their imbalances by industry branch, lack of effective projects in the real sector of the economy, non-effective selection mechanism, which negatively affects budgetary efficiency, fragmentation and ambiguity of the regulatory framework of the PPP mechanism and a number of others.Conclusions: To increase the level of digitalization of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Kazakhstan, the institutional model of PPP was demonstrated by creating a single operator for the development and promotion of technologies Industry 4.0. It is necessary to expand the functionality of Zerde National Infocommunication Holding, the Alatau Information Technology Park special economic zone, and the Astana Hub International Technopark of IT startups. The state partner solves the problems of developing digital technologies through the development of cooperation among domestic and foreign IT companies, an important criterion for this task is the high competitiveness and commercialization of projects, as well as unification for implementation in the activities of MMC enterprises. At the stage of distribution of digital solutions, more emphasis should be placed on supporting industry associations: the mining and metallurgical complex, the IT sector. Increasing the institutional responsibility of these structures will reduce the risks of state participation, as well as increase the level of trust on the part of private business.

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