Sustaining of Moore's Law over the next decade will require not only continued scaling of the physical dimensions of transistors but also performance improvement and aggressive reduction in power consumption. Heterojunction Tunnel FET (TFET) has emerged as promising transistor candidate for supply voltage scaling down to sub-0.5V due to the possibility of sub-kT/q switching without compromising on-current (ION). Recently, n-type III-V HTFET with reasonable on-current and sub-kT/q switching at supply voltage of 0.5V have been experimentally demonstrated. However, steep switching performance of III-V HTFET till date has been limited to range of drain current (IDS) spanning over less than a decade. In this work, we will present progress on complimentary Tunnel FETs and analyze primary roadblocks in the path towards achieving steep switching performance in III-V HTFET.
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