
INTRODUCTION: One of the most important problems is preserving reproductive potential of the population, which requires development of principally new approaches and organizational solutions.
 AIM: To study the opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists on preventability of early reproductive losses and rehabilitation of women after them.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sociological survey covered 128 obstetricians and gynecologists working in women’s consultation clinics, specialized gynecological clinics and gynecological departments of multidisciplinary hospitals of Ryazan. Mathematical processing of the results was performed using variation statistics methods.
 RESULTS: More than half (60.3%) of the surveyed doctors believe that early pregnancy losses (EPL) in women are conventionally preventable; 28.6% of respondents think they are incompletely preventable and absolutely unpreventable; 11% of respondents found it difficult to answer. A vast majority of respondents (92.1%) were of the opinion that women with EPL need additional health monitoring and rehabilitation. Concerning the opinion of doctors of the awareness of women of necessity for rehabilitation after EPL, 23.6% of surveyed doctors considered them sufficiently informed, 52.7% — insufficiently informed, 12.8%— completely uninformed, and 10.9% found it difficult to answer. The average score on the 5-point scale of the extent of motivation of women for rehabilitation after EPL was 3.72.
 CONCLUSION: The results of the study are recommended to be considered when taking organizational and managerial decisions on improving complex medical and socio-psychological rehabilitation of women after EPL.

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