
The superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) is currently one of the most attractivechoices for ultra-high resolution calorimetry in the keV x-ray band, and is beingconsidered for future ESA and NASA missions. We have performed a study on thenoise characteristics of Au/Ti bilayer TESs, at operating temperatures around∼100 mK, with the SQUID readout at 1.5 K. Experimental results indicate that withoutmodifications the back-action noise from the SQUID chip degrades the noisecharacteristics significantly. We present a simple and effective solution to the problem: byinstalling an extra shunt resistor which absorbs the excess radiation from theSQUID input, we have reduced the excess thermal (photon) noise power down byapproximately a factor of five, allowing high resolution operation of the sensors.

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