
The preschoolers’ ability to operate with relations of opposites is associated with creative abilities, understanding the conservation processes as well as with confl ict resolution. This study was carried out in line with the structural-dialectical approach, in which operating with the relations of opposites is a key aspect for performing dialectical mental actions. The development of formal-logical operations in children was also monitored. It was assumed that operating with the relations of opposites by children could be associated with such actions as seriation and mediation. Seriation, according to Piaget, is the primary reality that allows one to think in terms of relationships. Earlier studies showed that children are able to overcome opposite relationships and perform an act of mediation. In total  children aged -, - and - years participated in the study of dialectical actions. Techniques included “Drawing an unusual tree”, “What can be both at the same time?”, and “Cycles”. While  children took part in the formal-logical thinking study in which J. Piaget’s tests “Probability”, “Scales”, and “ Mechanical curve” were used. Preschool age is sensitive to the development of the operation with the opposites via formal and dialectical mental actions (such as transformation, seriation, mediation). The ability to perform mediation (i.e., to fi nd a single object that has two opposites present) is formed already at the age of - and is closely related to overcoming opposites based on the developmental processes understanding at the age of -. A positive correlation was discovered between children’s understanding of formal multiplicative spatial relations (the ability to coordinate two differently directed movements to create a single image) and operating with the relations of opposites via mediation.

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