
Preschool age is most favorable for the development of creativity, artistic and creative abilities. One of the main means of formation and development of such abilities of senior preschool children is leisure activities, which includes works of musical, visual, decorative and folk art. However, the educational work in preschool educational institutes is not always systematic and holistic in nature, educators use only episodic and mostly traditional measures to develop of artistic and creative abilities of senior preschool children, without paying due of attention to leisure activities based on oral folk creativity as the most effective tool. To identify the level of development of artistic and creative development abilities and knowledge of folklore works, a diagnostic methodology was developed, which included practical tasks and questionnaires, which was implemented during an empirical study on the basis of the Center for Child Development – Kindergarten No. 58 in the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. The monitoring was attended by 84 children aged 6-7 years. The experiment showed that the highest level of the artistic and creative development prevails in 28% (24 children), the medium level is in 54% (45 children), and the lowest level is marked in 18% (15 senior preschool children). Knowledge of oral folk creativity are mostly medium – 41% (34 children), and low levels – 41% (33 children). During the study, the author’s program “Sudarushka” was used. Testing the author’s program, based on the use of leisure activities based on folklore in the practice of preschool educational institutions, allowed to increase the level of development of artistic and creative abilities, which confirmed its effectiveness.

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