
The purpose of this panel is to discuss actual developments in the co-creation of public services and the role of information science within it. With the advent of the knowledge society, participation and co-creation of public services have become crucial in smart-city decision-making processes. Transfer of knowledge through face-to-face interaction and the transfer of information through digital networks are spurring the process of innovation. The combination of both dimensions needs particular attention in the field of information science to enable suitable methods of knowledge management at a city level. This panel will bring together best-practice examples and research frameworks. In real-world scenarios, citizens are involved in decision-making in the case of public library development. First, frameworks of smart-city assessment and of knowledge management at the city level are discussed. Finally, the role of information science in open innovation processes will be the focus of this panel. For this purpose, the panel brings together researchers and practitioners from library and information science, as well as from neighboring disciplines, to discuss how information and communication technology (ICT) and open innovation are changing our society, culture, and urban space.

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