
Children's nutritional requirements differ from those of adults. The health ministry's Indonesian data shows that in 2017, there were 17.8% of malnourished children under five years old (toddlers), one of which was related to complementary breastfeeding problems. Complementary breastfeeding is given to babies starting at 6–24 months of age. This research aims to build a complementary breastfeeding search model and be able to present it as a treatment for malnourished babies. A search model is built to understand natural language input given by a user. Also, it can do reasoning by applying a set of rules to obtain implicit knowledge about the complementary breastfeeding menu recommended for babies. The methods used in this research are data collection, designing a search model, building an ontology model, building SWRL, natural language processing, and usability testing by users and nutritionists. This research succeeded in building an ontology-based complementary breastfeeding search model in the form of a semantic web. The testing result shows that the web can provide an alternative complementary breastfeeding menu according to the baby’s nutritional needs and has a high usability capability of 4.01 on a scale of 1 to 5.

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