
Purpose of the study: The article is devoted to understanding the problems of intergenerational discourse and its transformation in ontological and sociocultural reality. The paper substantiates the need to maintain the mechanism of accumulation and reproduction of the experience of ancestors. It is shown that the violation of the transfer of knowledge and traditions leads to the distortion or disappearance of universal cultural codes.
 Methodology: In this article, cultural, demographic, and psychological approaches are used to study the ontological and sociocultural foundations of intergenerational discourse. It is necessary to show the influence of historical and socio-cultural transformations on the characteristics of interaction between generations, to determine the form of transfer and assimilation of experience within the family, to demonstrate the socially significant consequences of the demographic revolution in the modern information society.
 Main Findings: Having outlined only a few reasons for the intergenerational discourse in the field of translation of sociocultural experience, it can be noted that their combination forms the layer of human life in which historically determined values and ideals of human society are realized, methods of accumulation and transfer of experience that are unique for each historical era, new methods communications.
 Applications of this study: Research results can be applied in the course of social psychology (today, young people are literally imposed a radical cultural gap with previous generations), social philosophy, cultural studies (the form of transfer of experience within the family) and even demography (large-scale changes in human society, with the destruction of human social instincts).
 Novelty/Originality of this study: As the initial task of the study, it is supposed to identify historical and sociocultural changes in the field of translation and appropriation of experience, to conduct a cultural analysis that gives a clear idea of the evolution of the methods of interaction between generations. An interdisciplinary approach involves a wider coverage of existing concepts and shows that the patterns of development of human society cannot be reduced only to biological, economic or socio-cultural patterns.

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