Handwriting signature is the most diffuse mean for personal identification. Lots of works have been carried out to get reasonable errors rates within automatic signature verification on-line. Most of the algorithms that have been used for matching work by features extraction. This paper deals with the analysis of discriminative powers of the features that can be extracted from an on-line signature, how it's possible to increase those discriminative powers by dynamic time warping as a step in the preprocessing of the signal coming from the tablet. Also it will be covered the influence of this new step in the performance of the Gaussian mixture models algorithm, which has been shown as a successfully algorithm for on-line automatic signature verification in recent studies. A complete experimental evaluation of the algorithm base on dynamic time warping and Gaussian Mixture Models has been conducted on 2500 genuine signatures samples and 2500 skilled forgery samples from 100 users. Those samples are included at the public access MCyT-Signature-Corpus Database.
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