
The study investigates the dimension of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the influence on consumers' purchase intention of online products. TPB dimensions consist of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Multiple Regression were performed to analyze the data, in order to investigate the influence of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control on consumer's purchase intention.300 questionnaires were distributed to postgraduate students from the Faculty Business and Management, Uitm Shah Alam. 270 surveys were returned which are considered usable. A preliminary analysis was performed to check for the assumptions such as normality, multicollinearity and homoscedasticity before further inferential analyses were generated. The preliminary analysis results show that the residuals are normally distributed, no multicollinearity exists and the data are not homoscedastic. A reliability test was also executed and the results show that all the cronbach's alpha for the dimensions to be measured are reliable. For the inferential analysis, multiple regressions were employed. The results revealed that both the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have an influence on the purchase intention of respondents. However, the dimension of attitudes did not have any impact on the purchase intention for online products. As such, future studies may probe further on the importance of the subjective norm and perceived behavior control in affecting consumers' purchase behavior.

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