
This study was conducted to analyze the millennial consumer behavior (MCB), purchase intention (PI) and purchase decision (PD) on fisheries-based functional foods (F3) in the form of fish oil, spirulina, processed fish food, and others through e-commers Tokopedia. Data were collected from 144 millennials consumer in Java Island who have known or bought F3 through Tokopedia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the effect of purchase attitude (PA), subjective norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC) on PI and PD. The empirical results show that there is a positive and significant relationship of PA, SN, PBC on PI. Also, PBC and PI to PD. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been proven to effectively explain the MCB on purchasing F3 at Tokopedia, the explanatory power is 57.5% for PI and 9% for PD. The most effective effect on PI come from SN, with total effect 35.4%, while PD mostly determined by PBC through PI. Tokopedia and F3 vendors need to pay more attention and adjustment of marketing strategy to increase PI and PD of MCB on purchasing F3.

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