
AbstractIn an online k-server routing problem, a crew of k servers has to visit points in a metric space as they arrive in real time. Possible objective functions include minimizing the makespan (k-Traveling Salesman Problem) and minimizing the average completion time (k-Traveling Repairman Problem). We give competitive algorithms, resource augmentation results and lower bounds for k-server routing problems on several classes of metric spaces. Surprisingly, in some cases the competitive ratio is dramatically better than that of the corresponding single server problem. Namely, we give a 1+O((logk)/k)-competitive algorithm for the k-Traveling Salesman Problem and the k-Traveling Repairman Problem when the underlying metric space is the real line. We also prove that similar results cannot hold for the Euclidean plane.KeywordsCompletion TimeRelease DateCompetitive RatioOnline AlgorithmSingle ServerThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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