
Creative Arts Educ Ther (2020) 6(1):30–36 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2020/6/11 Online Collective Poetry Recitation Performance during COVID-19 Outbreak 新冠肺炎疫情爆发下的集体隔空诗歌朗诵 Abstract In human history, the impact of epidemic outbreaks on human society is much worse than that of other natural disaster because the effects of viruses are often invisible in the early stages. Viruses silently sicken or kill thousands of people, collapse families, create panic, and even damage society’s function. With the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019, interesting forms of online collective poetry recitation performance emerged from different parts of China since Feburary 2020. This article presents three online collective poetry recitation works so as to analyze their two functions: as a theraputic way to deal with people’s fear of the virus and to generate positive emotions, such as love and courage, and as a ritual to strengthen people’s sense of identity as Chinese, bringing hundreds of millions of Chinese people together and gathering a powerful force to overcome the epidemic. Keywords: online collective poetry recitation; COVID-19; ritual, therapy 摘要 人类历史上的各种瘟疫灾害对人类社会的影响,常常超过了其他自然灾害,因为造成瘟疫的病毒常常看不见,却悄无声息地让成千上万人的病倒或死去,给民众带来巨大的恐慌,让社会无法正常运行。新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,尤其2020年2月后,中国多地出现了在网络媒体上开展的集体隔空诗歌朗诵的有趣形式。本文以三个集体性“隔空朗诵”作品为案例,分析了这种集体艺术表达方式的两大功能:作为治疗的方式,帮助朗读者自己和他人释放对病毒的恐惧,激发和调动爱、勇气等正面情绪;作为一种仪式表演,强化中国人的身份意识,将亿万中国人凝聚在一起,形成战胜疫情的强大力量。 关键词:集体隔空诗歌朗诵,新冠肺炎病毒,仪式、治疗

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