
This anatomical program for high-school biology teachers, a university-driven capacity- building exercise, achieved its aims of: (1) determining the participants’ profiles; (2) increasing the anatomical knowledge of participants; and (3) evaluating the online program. The webinar program comprised 4 lectures, including discussion, preceded and followed by a test consisting of 19 anatomy questions. Of 867 high-school biology teachers who registered an interest, 222 completed the post-program test and feedback questionnaire; however, only 153 (111 females, 42 males) completed both pre-program and post-program tests and the feedback questionnaire. A significant (P<0.001) increase in the overall post-program scores (88.9%: male 89.5±16.52%; female 88.7±17.38%) compared to the pre-program test scores (56.3%: male 56.1±15.66%; female 56.5±16.82%) was observed, the increase being irrespective of age, level of education or teaching experience. The program attracted participants from throughout Indonesia rather than just those close to the university. There was an overall improvement in test scores, supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of the online anatomy program. More than 60% of participants stated that the program met their needs in terms of the level of anatomy knowledge, and that the topics were of interest, well presented and relevant to their teaching. This study may provide useful information for future community-university studies in this area.

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