
Deep neural networks typically require accurate and a large number of annotations to achieve outstanding performance in medical image segmentation. One-shot and weakly-supervised learning are promising research directions that reduce labeling effort by learning a new class from only one annotated image and using coarse labels instead, respectively. In this work, we present an innovative framework for 3D medical image segmentation with one-shot and weakly-supervised settings. Firstly a propagation-reconstruction network is proposed to propagate scribbles from one annotated volume to unlabeled 3D images based on the assumption that anatomical patterns in different human bodies are similar. Then a multi-level similarity denoising module is designed to refine the scribbles based on embeddings from anatomical- to pixel-level. After expanding the scribbles to pseudo masks, we observe the miss-classified voxels mainly occur at the border region and propose to extract self-support prototypes for the specific refinement. Based on these weakly-supervised segmentation results, we further train a segmentation model for the new class with the noisy label training strategy. Experiments on three CT and one MRI datasets show the proposed method obtains significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods and performs robustly even under severe class imbalance and low contrast. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/LWHYC/OneShot_WeaklySeg.

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