
The paper examines one of the methods of defining physical quantities of derivatives (known as the 1st definition method), which is widely used in physics and technical literature. This definition method clearly proved to be wrong, leading for false conclusions. In physics, the attitudes of calculation of physical quantities, namely, in terms of adopted unit systems in physics and technology, defining physical quantities of derivative using the 1st method is contrary to the known laws of mathematical logic and rules: to the law of contraposition, implications of transitivity laws, the implications of the matrix of equity value properties. Defining physical quantities of derivative using the 1st method means equiparation of two dimensional vector spaces composed above the real number of the body (isomorphic), which consist of physical elements with regard to non-identical i.e., physical sizes. Such impermissible equiparation of the isomorphic vector spaces leads to various contradictions. Derivative size reveals the physical meaning of one-dimensional vector space to which it belongs, can be isomorphically displayed in another, different (one-dimensional) the vector space whose elements are physical quantities determined in a special way. The latter vector space can be chosen by more than one method.


  • Df mTaK KaK {V} ecTb HeKOTopoe OTBAeųennoe ŲUCAO, TO HOCJie)J.Hee paBeHCTBO OSHaąaeT, ŲTO pa3MepHOCTb M8CChI paBRa pal3MepHOCTH IlJIOTHOCTH22: ŲTO HBHO HeBepHO.

  • HMeeT MeCTO no Kpaf:!Heii: Mepe 0)[1].HH H3 Tpex CJie.U.yIO.W.HX CJiyąaes: l) definiendum (B y3KOM CMhICJie) T02Ke co.n.ep)!{HT 3TY nepeMeHHyIO; 2) definiens (B Y3KOM CMhICJie) HBJIHeTCH ą>yHKI.Uiefi, rrocTOHHHOH no OTHOilleHHIO K 3TOii: co.n.ep)!{aw.eficH B HeM CB060)J.HOii: nepeMeHHoii:; 3) orrpe.n.eJieHHe orpaHHŲeHO (B )J.8HHOM H3hIKe) H )J.aHa.

  • H fVi. TaK KaK B H3h1Ke ą>H3HKH orrpe.n.eJieHHe (19) He orpaHHąeHo, TO )J.OJI2Keu. 60.n.Hoii: nepeMeHHOH, ecJIH B pe3yJihTaTe JII06hIX .n.syx, JIHillb 6bI npaBUAbflbt;C, Il0)J.CT8HOBOK Ha MeCTO 3Toii'rrepeMeHHOH noJiyąaIOTCH paBH03H8ŲHtre Bbipa­.

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Df m

TaK KaK {V} ecTb HeKOTopoe OTBAeųennoe ŲUCAO, TO HOCJie)J.Hee paBeHCTBO OSHaąaeT, ŲTO pa3MepHOCTb M8CChI paBRa pal3MepHOCTH IlJIOTHOCTH22: ŲTO HBHO HeBepHO. HMeeT MeCTO no Kpaf:!Heii: Mepe 0)[1].HH H3 Tpex CJie.U.yIO.W.HX CJiyąaes: l) definiendum (B y3KOM CMhICJie) T02Ke co.n.ep)!{HT 3TY nepeMeHHyIO; 2) definiens (B Y3KOM CMhICJie) HBJIHeTCH ą>yHKI.Uiefi, rrocTOHHHOH no OTHOilleHHIO K 3TOii: co.n.ep)!{aw.eficH B HeM CB060)J.HOii: nepeMeHHoii:; 3) orrpe.n.eJieHHe orpaHHŲeHO (B )J.8HHOM H3hIKe) H )J.aHa. H fVi. TaK KaK B H3h1Ke ą>H3HKH orrpe.n.eJieHHe (19) He orpaHHąeHo, TO )J.OJI2Keu. 60.n.Hoii: nepeMeHHOH, ecJIH B pe3yJihTaTe JII06hIX .n.syx, JIHillb 6bI npaBUAbflbt;C, Il0)J.CT8HOBOK Ha MeCTO 3Toii'rrepeMeHHOH noJiyąaIOTCH paBH03H8ŲHtre Bbipa­. 0.n.HaKO CJiyąafi 2) HMeeT MeCTO JIHillb .U.JIH onpe.n.eJieHHH IlJIOTHOCTH. C OJI,HQH CTOpOHhI,-H .3TO oųeHh Ba.>KHO,- 3TOT H30MOpc1JH3M BCKphIBaeT cpnaHųecKyro cyllI.HOCTh noHHTHH cKopocTH paBHOMepHo ,nBinKymeroc.sr TeJia. C ,npyrofi .CTOpOHhI,-HMeHHO 3TOT H30MOpcpH3M .rr.aeT IlOBO.LJ: JJ.JIH onpe;:i:eJieHHH cKopocrH no l onoco6y.

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