
The First year Results of Ondokuz Mayis University Newborn Hearing Screening Program Newborn hearing screening is widely used method for early detection of congenital permanent childhood hearing impairment. The results of newborn hearing screening at Ondokuz Mayis University during the period between 28.12.2005 and 28.12.2006 were presented in this study. A total of 966 babies born at hospitals in the city and near vicinity as well as at our university clinics were screened during this time period. Based on the Newborn Hearing Screening Protocol prepared for this study, all babies were screened by using Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) screening device. Babies were accepted as having normal cochlear function if they passed the test on both ears. At the initial screening 768 babies (80%) out of 966 were passed TEOAE test on their both ears. The baby failed the test if s/he gets 'refer' result in one or both ears. A total of 874 (90%) out of 966 babies who passed the initial screening but have risk factors and who failed initial screening and followed up for further evaluation were completed all the necessary diagnostic procedures and received their final report at the end of the first year. The first year results revealed that 629 (99%) out of 638 babies from well baby clinic and 227 (96%) out of 236 babies from neonatal intensive care unit had a normal hearing in their both ears. On the other hand, 8 (1%) babies from well baby clinic, and 6 (3%) babies from neonatal intensive care unit were diagnosed as having various degrees of sensory neural hearing loss. A total of 92 (10%) babies did not receive test results at the end of the first year because of drop out from the study at the second or third screening and/or at the diagnostic test stages. The first year descriptive results of the newborn hearing screening program are presented and discussed in this article. Yenidogan isitme taramalari konjenital isitme kayiplarinin mumkun olan en erken donemde tanilanmasi amaciyla tum dunyada yaygin olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismada 28.12.2005- 28.12.2006 tarihleri arasinda universitemizde yapilan yenidogan isitme taramasi sonuclari sunulmustur. Bu surecte Universitemizde dogan, universitemiz yenidogan yogun bakimina sevk edilen, ya da sehir ici/disi diger hastanelerden universitemize gelen toplam 966 bebek isitme taramasindan gecirilmistir. Yenidogan Isitme Taramasi (YEDIT) protokolu cercevesinde isitme taramalari yapilmis ve bu taramada gecme kriteri Transient Otoakustik Emisyon (TEOAE) tarama testinde bilateral pass (gecti) olarak kabul edilmistir. Ilk taramada 768 (%80) bebek bu kritere uyarak taramadan gecmis ve bilateral normal kok-lear fonksiyon sonucu almistir. Birinci yilin sonunda ilk taramada kalan bebekler ile ilk taramada gecen ancak risk faktorleri nedeniyle tekrar tarama yapilan bebeklerle, toplam 874 (%90) bebege sonuc verilmistir. Bu sonuclara gore Yenidogan unitesinden gelen 638 bebekten 629'u (%99) ve yenidogan yogun bakim unitesinden gelen 236 bebekten 227'si (%96) tarama ve takip testlerinden gecerek bilateral normal koklear fonksiyon tanisi almistir. Ancak Yenidogan unitesinden gelen 8 bebek (%1) ve yenidogan yogun bakim unitesinden gelen 6 bebege (%3) farkli derecelerde sensori-noral tip isitme kaybi tanisi konulmustur. Ilk ya da ikinci taramada tek ya da iki kulaklarinda refer (kaldi) sonucu alinan 92 (%10) bebege ucuncu tarama ve/veya tanisal testlere getirilmedigi icin sonuc verilememistir. Bu makalede YEDIT programinin birinci yilinda elde edilen betimleyici sonuclar sunularak literatur esliginde tartisilmistir.

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