
The Study of Information Level of the Diabetic Mellitus Patients applied to the Endocrine Policlinic of Ondokuz Mayis University Research and Implementation Hospital This study was conducted to determine the various demographic features of diabetic patients and their information level and attitude towards the diabetes. Before the implementation of the study, a permission was taken from the Hospital Administration. This descriptive and intermittent study was conducted from December 2006 to March 2007, two hundred and nine patients all of whom were diabetic and applied to the Endocrine Policlinic at Ondokuz Mayis University Research and Implementation Hospital were included in the experimental group. The data were obtained through the questionnaires prepared by the researcher and personal information forms, and analysed in the percentage distribution by SPSS. According to the findings, 61.3% of the diabetic patients were female and 82.8% of them were married. It was found that 59.1 of female patients did not know the normal level of the blood sugar. 42.9 % of male patients do not know that diabetes damages the body, and besides, 60% of them did not know that their diets must be rearranged because of diabetes. In conclusion, if the diabetic patients are informed about diabetes, they may be given a chance to lead a heathier life. Bu arastirma, bir universite hastanesine basvuran diyabet hastalarinin cesitli demografik ozellikleri ve diyabet hastaligi hakkindaki bilgi ve tutumlarini saptamak amaciyla yapilmistir. Calismaya baslamadan once hastane idaresinden gerekli izin alinmistir. Tanimlayici ve ke-sitsel olan bu arastirma Aralik 2006-Subat 2007 tarihleri arasinda yapilmistir. Uc ay sure ile Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Arastirma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Endokrin Poliklinigi'ne basvuran, diyabet tanisi konulmus bireylerin tamami olan 209 hasta ornek-lem grubuna dahil edilmistir. Veriler, ilgili literatur arastirilarak arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan anket sorulari ve kisisel bilgi formu ile toplanmistir. Veriler SPSS paket programinda yuzdelik dagilim seklinde degerlendirilmistir. Arastirma bulgularina gore; orneklem grubunun %61.3'u kadin ve %82.8'inin evli oldugu saptanmistir. Kadinlarin %59.1'i kan sekerinin normal degerini, erkeklerin %42.9'u diyabetin vucuda zarar verdigini ve erkeklerin %60'i diyabetten dolayi beslenmenin duzenlenmesi gerektigini bilmemektedir. Sonuc olarak; diyabetik bireylere hastaliklarina iliskin eksik bilgilerin saptanarak verilmesinin saglikli yasam bicimi davranislarinin kazandirilmasina imkan saglayabilir.

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