
We prove the existence of an appropriate function (very weaksolution) $u$ in the Lorentz space $L^{N',\infty}(\Omega), \N'=\frac N{N-1}$ satisfying $Lu-Vu+g(x,u,\nabla u)=\mu$in $\Omega$ an open bounded set of $\R^N$, and $u=0$ on$\partial\Omega$ in the sense that$(u,L\varphi)_0-(Vu,\varphi)_0+(g(\cdot,u,\nablau),\varphi)_0=\mu(\varphi),\quad\forall\varphi\in C^2_c(\Omega).$The potential $V \le \lambda If $\mu\in L^1(\Omega,\delta)$ we only assume that for the potential $V$ is in L1loc$(\Omega)$, $V \le \lambda<\lambda_1$. If $\mu\in M^1(\Omega,\delta^\alpha),\ \alpha\in$[$0,1[$[, then we prove that the very weak solution $|\nabla u|$ is in the Lorentz space $L^{\frac N{N-1+\alpha},\infty}(\Omega)$. We apply those results to the existence of the so called large solutions with a right hand side data in $L^1(\Omega,\delta)$. Finally, we prove some rearrangement comparison results.

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