
Let F be a field of characteristic zero. By a ⁎-superalgebra we mean an algebra A with graded involution over F. Recently, algebras with graded involution have been extensively studied in PI-theory and the sequence of ⁎-graded codimensions {cngri(A)}n≥1 has been investigated by several authors. In this paper, we classify varieties generated by unitary ⁎-superalgebras having quadratic growth of ⁎-graded codimensions. As a result we obtain that a unitary ⁎-superalgebra with quadratic growth is T2⁎-equivalent to a finite direct sum of minimal unitary ⁎-superalgebras with at most quadratic growth, where at least one ⁎-superalgebra of this sum has quadratic growth. Furthermore, we provide a method to determine explicitly the factors of those direct sums.

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