
The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for improving the efficiency of the forward-looking training system for the Russian Aviation Industry, located in the Volga Federal District. This territory is a concentration of enterprises of the machine-building complex, a significant part of which is represented by enterprises of the aviation industry. It is proposed to consider the aviation industry of the Volga Federal District as an interregional research and manufacturing cluster. The author presentation of the element composition of this cluster includes a production base, infrastructure, a system of state control, as well as consumers. As the core of this cluster, it is proposed to consider research and academic organizations, and industrial enterprises of the participant regions. Tatarstan is central to the Volga Federal District. This makes it a fairly convenient region in terms of logistics and interregional management of aviation industry enterprises. As the central headquarters of the interregional research and manufacturing cluster of the aviation industry, there is a scientific and educational institution in which scientific activity in the field of design and production of aviation equipment is set at a high level, as well as an extremely important function is implemented, namely the training of highly qualified personnel for the industry. The cases of KNRTU–KAI in the field of career guidance, teaching talented students, as well as the implementation of master’s degree programs are considered. Many universities have got number of other similar unique practices for organizing staffing for the future development of enterprises in the aviation industry. In the authors’ view, the significant potential for the development of the training system for the aviation industry lies in the efficient interaction between university communities within the Volga Federal District, as well as universities and employers. This will ensure consistency and continuity in training.

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