
The aim of this study was to test the applicability of a simple scaling methodology for a regional estimation of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves in Slovakia. The analysis is based on the regionalization process of Gaal (2006), which focused on the delineation of homogeneous regions for a regional frequency analysis of precipitation maxima. In order to examine the regionally estimated IDF curves, a region covering the western parts of Slovakia was chosen. The selected region, which encompasses 19 raingauging stations, may be characterized by the dominant influence of Atlantic circulation patterns. Three of the 19 stations belonging to the target region were set aside and flagged as verification stations. The regional dimensionless growth curve of 1-day precipitation maxima in the warm season was derived for the region, and the local T-year quantiles were estimated by the index value method for the stations. At the same time, a regionally averaged scaling exponent was derived using all the stations except for the three verification ones. The local IDF curves at the verification stations were estimated by downscaling the Tyear quantiles of the 1-day precipitation maxima using the regionally averaged scaling exponent. Finally, the IDF curves for these stations were compared with those defined by Samaj, Valovic (1973). This study is the first step in assessing the applicability of a simple scaling theory for the regional estimation of IDF curves in Slovakia.

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