
EFORE taking up the discussion of this question Do valley quail use sentinels? I wish to say that although I am seriously inclined to think that quail do use sentinels, yet further observations by others may throw a different light on the subject, so that under these circumstances I prefer to leave the question open. Should any one feel like taking up the study of birds, his ardor is usually dampened at the outset somewhat by the large amount of time and patience it requires to do so. But should any one be inclined to study valley quail (Lophortyx c. vallicolus) in particular, after the first attempt there is very little inclination left to do so. Out of all of our common birds they are the most easily frightened, Eternal Vigilance evidently being their motto, but of all our common birds they are perhaps the most interesting, especially in their habits. The rustling of a dog, the snapping of a twig, or the distant report of a gun, serves equally well to put them on guard or start Even the wavering leaf has caused me into the nearest all that a detailed of valley quail will time put on it. intention of fathand (to me) unof these birds, that spring of 1901 for in the foothills of There I felt sure

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