
The article analyzes the theoretical basis of the requirements to the content of cases, considers the stages of work with cases, analyzes cases designed to teach Russian as a foreign language, their use in classes at non-linguistic universities. The use of the case method as a means of teaching various disciplines became popular in the 20th century in all schools and universities worldwide. The ability to communicate across cultures is the goal of foreign language teaching. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use tools that form elements of communicative competence. The case method creates the basis for improving the elements, so the case as a method of developing communicative competence should play a significant role in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The case method develops the four language skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking. It helps students improve their communication skills, organizational skills, grow independence in studying. The case study method is focused on practical application of knowledge acquired in the process of learning. The purpose of the study is to analyze and describe in detail cases used in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The study has shown the need to develop a base of cases, which meet the case study structure requirements and fulfil the purpose of case application. It has also shown the necessity of introducing language case studies in educational-methodical complexes for teaching students Russian as a foreign language and applying them to boost students’ motivation for learning a foreign language and developing all the elements of foreign language communicative competence.

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