
Being part of the culture of a particular state, law is also always national in its content. Consequently, the peculiarity of the language of law is due to its connection with the legal system of the state, the reflection of which it is. Thus, a certain conceptual and terminological apparatus is formed, taking into account the legal features inherent in a single state.In this article, the author is limited to considering the use of translation techniques on the example of translating the names of the French judicial authorities and determining occasional correspondences in the absence of an equivalent or variant correspondence to the French term in Russian.A short analysis allows the author to argue that the complexity of translating legal terms is primarily due to differences in the legal systems of countries, difficulties in finding the necessary terms, which implies the presence of not only a sufficient vocabulary in this area, knowledge of grammar, but also an understanding of the specifics of the system. The translation should not be reduced to a free interpretation of the legal term of the original language and not literal transmission, but transcoding into the translation language with the fullest possible preservation of its meaning by means of the translation language. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the recipient in order to clearly bring the semantic content to his consciousness.

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