
I. Actitis macularia. SPOTTED SANDPIPER.@ Several seen on Hopper Brook and Green River, Williamstown. 2. Bonasa umbellus. RUFFED GROUSE.-Common in woods nearly to the summit of Graylock.* 3. Buteo borealis. RED-TAILED HAWK.-Rather common. 4. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. BLACK-BILLED CucKoo.-A few seen in the Notch and one on the Graylock carriage road, 2IOO feet above the sea-level. 5. Dryobates villosus. HAIRY WOODPECKER.-Ratlier common on the Saddle-Back range, from an altitude of about 2500 feet to the summit of Graylock, 3.505 feet. 6. Dryobates pubescens. DOWNY WOODPECKER.-Rare. Only dne or two were seen. These were at the head of the Hopper, about 2000 feet above the sea-level. 7. Sphyrapicus varius. YELLOW-BELLIED WOODPECKER. Several specimens seen at different times on the Graylock carriage road, between two and three miles from the summit. Approximate altitude, 2800 feet.t 8. Colaptes auratus. GOLDEN-WINGED WOODPECKER. Common abouit the base of the mountains and in the Notch. Also found on Graylock at an elevation of about 2800 feet, but at this altitude Dryobates viilosus is the commonest Woodpecker. 9. Antrostomus vociferus. WHIP-POOR-WILL.-A few were heard in the Notch, altitude I200 feet. IO. Chordeiles virginianus. NIGHTHAWK.-A few were seen in the Notch. II. Chetura pelagica. CHIMNEY SWIFT. Common. Frequentlv seen flying about the summit of Graylock. I2. Trochilus colubris. RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD.-Observed several times in the Notch.

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