
73. Coccyzus americanus. YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO.A common sutnrner resident, arriving about the middle of May. Fresh eggs June 30, I88574. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO.-A common sutnmer resident. Until 1884, the Black-billed seemed quite rare, but since then it has appeared to be more abundant than the Yellow-billed. 75. Ceryle alcyon. KINGFISHER.-A cominon summner resident, coming early, and remtining late in the autumn. A set of six eggs taken May x8, in which incubation had proceeded perhaps a week. 76. Dryobates villosus. HAIRY WOODIPECKER. 77. Dryobates pubescens. DoWNY WOODPECKER.--These two familiar Woodpeckers are common residents of the County. 78. Sphyrapicus varius. YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER.A rather rare resident, most common in the spring. I have specimens obtained D)ecember 15, i884, and Jan uary II, I885. 79. Ceophlceus pileatus. PILEATED WOODPECKER.-Formerly a not u-ncommon r-esident, but I have seen none in the County for several years. and I have no doubt they have left it permanently. 8o. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. RED-HEADED WOODPECKER.-OuLr most abundant Woodpecker. usually going south in the autumn, but frequently remaining with us all winter. This it did during the winter of 18SI-82 in great numbers. I saw one in the southern part of the County, January 14, I888. Si. Melanerpes carolinus. RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER.-A common resident, about as abundant in winter as in suminer. S2. Colaptes auratus. 'YELLOWHAMMER.'An abundant r-esident and one of our most valuable birds. Full sets of eggs may be found by May 4. In May and June, I885, I obtained thirty-seven eggs in forty-nine days from a 'Yellowham-mer'which had its nest near my house. The eggs were in seven sets, five, five, five, six, seven, four, and five eggs respectively.* 83. Antrostomus vociferus. WHIP-POOR-WILL.-Not uncommon as a summer resident, arriving from April 20 to May I. S4. Chordeiles virginianus. NIGHTHAWK.An abundant migrant, especially noticeable in the autumn. S5. Chetura pelagica. CHIMNEY SWIFT. -An abundant summer resident, arriving about the last week in April. April 27. I884. As an instance of

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