
Legal and political science is a relatively new trend in political science, which began to emerge in Ukraine only in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The current stage of conceptualization and institutionalization of legal political science is characterized by the formation of its own theoretical base, the expansion of the circle of researchers dealing with this issue. It is necessary to identify the sources of the formation of legal and political science, its object and object, tasks and functions, that is, to create a fundamental theoretical concept that reflects the level of knowledge achieved and is a kind of basis for further scientific research in this direction. The transformative processes that took place in society and science in the second half of the XX century had a decisive influence on the process of designing legal and political science into an independent field of knowledge. and which eventually led to: 1) increased attention of scholars to the consideration of politics and law in the unity of their value-meaning characteristics; 2) the identification of political law as an independent area of ​​scientific research; 3) intensifying the development of interdisciplinary political and legal studies. Legal and political science is, in fact, a post-nonclassical stage in the development of political science, which determines its originality in terms of subject and methodological aspects. Formed on the border of political science and jurisprudence, legal and political science is an integrative system of knowledge that combines the cognitive resources of both sciences. Legal and political science aims to cover a fairly wide range of issues of state-legal construction. At the same time, the specificity of legal political science is that it focuses on the study of the political constituent of law, studying the socio-political conditions of the exercise of law, the influence of political phenomena and processes on the creation and functioning of legal norms. That is, it is interested in law not as a set of certain norms, their nature and character, but above all the political conditionality of law thr

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