
The aim of this paper is to provide some new data on Stark HWHM (half-width at half intensity maximum, w) and stark shift (d) of two singly ionized nitrogen spectral lines belonging to 3d-4f transition at a 54000 K electron temperature (T ). Namely, the existing experimental w values (Popovic et al. 1975; Pittman and Konjevic 1986; Puric et al. 1987; Djeniže et al. 1992) lie under the only theoretical prediction (Griem 1974). On the other hand, only one experiment deals with the Stark shift determination of the spectral lines that belong to 3d-4f transition, to the knowledge of the authors (Fuhr and Lesage 1993 and references therein). Djeniže et al. (1992) refere the measured d values of the spectral lines belonging to 3d-4f transition at 31000 K electron temperature. There exists between the measured and calculated (Griem 1974) Stark shift values evident disagreement. In spite of these, new experimental results of the Stark parameters are wellcome. It should be pointed out that the knowledge of the Stark width and shift dependence upon the electron temperature in the plasama is, also, of a great importance for testing their theoretical predictions based on various approaches. Our measured values of Stark HWHM’s and shifts have been compared to the existing experimental values and theoretical prediction based on the semiclassical approximation (Griem 1974).

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