
The Stark width (w) of spectral lines of multiply ionized atoms as a function of the upper-level ionization potential (I), the net core charge (z) and the electron temperature (T), was found to be of the form: w=az2T−1/2I−b normalized to 1×1023 m−3 electron density for a given transition array. Coefficientsa andb are independent of the upper-level ionization potential, the net core charge, the electron temperature and density. This paper proves the validity of this equation for Stark widths in domains of electron densities of (0.5–1.5)×1023 m−3 and temperatures of 20 000–80 000 K. The reduced Stark width (wT1/2/z2) dependence on the inverse value of upper-level ionization potential is represented by a linear trend (in log-log scale) of the experimental and relevant theoretical results within maximal scatter of less than ±30%. For a givenns-np transition array, this trend is equally applicable to spectral lines of (i) successive ionization stages of the same atom and (ii) ions of isoelectronic sequences of the second and third periods of the periodic system. It is also shown that coefficientsa andb depend on the energy state of the electron emitter core. Using the obtained trends, one can quite successfully predict the Stark width of spectral lines of corresponding transitions that have not yet been measured.

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