
The temporal evolution of the source mechanism is retrieved for the October 13, 1963 Kurile islands earthquake by applying centroid moment tensor inversions to successively different narrow frequency windows between 2 and 12.5mHz. The lateral heterogeneity effect is corrected using model M84A of Woodhouse and Dziewonski [1984]. To the first approximation the frequency‐dependent scalar moment follows an ω−2 decay law and the origin time shift is frequency independent, which can be simply explained by an isoscele source time function 140s long and a total moment release of 62 × 1027 dyne.cm. The expansion of the moment rate functions in terms of spline functions enables to retrieve a smooth temporal change of the moment tensor. This second inversion yields a total moment of 71 × 1027 dyne.cm with a peak activity at about 70s after the onset in a total source time of 250s. The mechanism has remained unchanged during the main stage. The occurence of back‐slip to the amount of 6.5% of the total moment is implied for the last 80s.

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